Rabu, 24 November 2010

cara memasang kabel utp

Tutorial singkat ini cocok sekali buat Anda yang sedang membuat jaringan komputer ‘MURAH’ khususnya yang terdiri lebih dari dua client yang pake hub (jauh lebih murah daripada router ). To the point! Apa sih kabel UTP itu? Kabel UTP itu adalah kabel khusus buat transmisi data. UTP, singkatan dari “Unshielded Twisted Pair”. Disebut unshielded karena kurang tahan terhadap interferensi elektromagnetik. Dan disebut twisted pair karena di dalamnya terdapat pasangan kabel yang disusun spiral alias saling berlilitan. Ada 5 kategori kabel UTP. Dari kategori 1 sampai kategori 5. Untuk jaringan komputer yang terkenal adalah kategori 3 dan kategori 5.
Kategori 3 bisa untuk transmisi data sampai 10 mbps, sedang kategori 5 sampai 100 mbps. Kalau hanya buat misalnya jaringan komputer di kantor atau kampus atau warnet, paling hemat  ya menggunakan yang kategori 3. Itu sudah lebih dari cukup.Setahu penulis ada banyak merek yang beredar di pasaran, hanya saja yang terkenal bandel dan relatif murah adalah merek Belden – made in USA. Kalau mau yang lebih murah dan penggunaannya banyak, maka beli saja yang satu kotak, panjangnya sekitar 150 meter. Jangan lupa beli konektornya. Konektornya bentuknya seperti colokan telepon hanya saja lebih besar. Bilang saja mau beli konektor RJ-45.
Foto RJ – 45 yang masih baru, belum di gencet pake tang
Satu lagi yang sangat penting, Anda harus punya tang khusus buat memasang konektor ke kabel UTP, istilah kerennya adalah “crimp tool”. Alat ini gunanya untuk ‘mematikan’ atau ‘menanam’ konektor ke kabel UTP. Jadi sekali sudah di ‘tang’, maka sudah tidak bisa dicopot lagi konektornya. Dan kalau mau yang lebih OK, biar tidak nanggung maka beli pula sebuah LAN tester. Anda bisa membeli yang merek dari Taiwan saja agar lebih murah. Bentuknya seperti kotak dan ada lampu LED-nya delapan pasang dan bisa kedap-kedip.

OK sekarang peralatan udah siap, penulis mulai saja. Secara umum, pemasangan kabel UTP tersebut ada dua tipe, yaitu tipe straight dan tipe cross. Disebut tipe straight soalnya masing-masing kabel yang jumlahnya 8 itu berkorespondensi 1-1, langsung. Sedangkan disebut cross soalnya ada persilangan pada susunan kabelnya. Bingung?OK! Untuk tipe straight itu digunakan untuk menyambungkan kabel dari client ke hub. Sedangkan untuk tipe cross adalah untuk client langsung terhubung ke client (cpu to cpu) atau juga dari hub ke hub.
Kita bahas dulu yang tipe straight
Tipe ini adalah yang paling gampang dibuat. Kenapa? Soalnya langsung korespondensinya 1-1. Standar urutannya begini (dilihat dari lubang konektor, dari kiri ke kanan – lihat Gambar 4) : 2 oranye – 1 hijau – 2 biru – 1 hijau – 2 coklat . 2 oranye disini maksudnya pasangan oranye muda sama oranye tua dan seterusnya. Tapi tidak usah ikut standar pewarnaan itu juga sebenarnya tidak masalah. Yang penting urutan kabelnya. Misal ujung pertama urutan pin pertamanya oranye muda, maka ujung yang lain urutan pin pertamanya juga harus oranye muda, jadi antar ujung saling nyambung. Sebenarnya tidak semua pin tersebut digunakan.

Yang penting adalah pin nomor 1,2,3 dan 6. Jadi misal yang disambung hanya pin 1,2,3 dan 6 sedangkan pin yang lain tidak dipasang, tidak jadi masalah. Untuk lebih jelasnya silakan lihat gambar di bawah yang penulis foto dari sebuah buku.
Yang kiri urutan korespondensi buat tipe straight, yang kanan yang cross
Waktu akan memasangnya, maka potong ujung kabelnya, kemudian susun kabelnya trus diratakan dengan pisau potong yang ada pada crimp tool. Andak tidak perlu repot harus melepaskan isolasi pada bagian ujung kabel, karena waktu Anda memasukan kabel itu ke konektor lalu ditekan (pressed) dengan menggunakan crimp tool, sebenarnya saat itu pin yang ada di konektor menembus sampai ke dalam kabel. Perhatikan, agar penekannya (pressing) yang keras, soalnya kalau tidak keras kadang pin tersebut tidak tembus ke dalam isolasi kabelnya. Kalau sudah kemudian Anda test menggunakan LAN tester. Masukkan ujung ujung kabel ke alatnya, kemudian nyalakan, kalau lampu led yang pada LAN tester menyala semua, dari nomor 1 sampai 8 berarti Anda telah sukses. Kalau ada salah satu yang tidak menyala berarti kemungkinan pada pin nomor tersebut ada masalah. Cara paling mudah yaitu Anda tekan (press) lagi menggunakan tang. Kemungkinan pinnya belum tembus. Kalau sudah Anda tekan tetapi masih tidak nyambung, maka coba periksa korespondensinya antar pin udah 1-1  atau belum. Kalau ternyata sudah benar dan masih gagal, berarti memang Anda belum beruntung. Ulangi lagi sampai berhasil.
 LAN TESTER – alat untuk memeriksa benar tidaknya sambungan kabel. Untuk tipe straight jika benar maka led 1 sampai 8 berkedip.
Berikut adalah gambar dari bawah dari ujung kabel UTP yang sudah dipasangi konektor dan berhasil dengan baik (urutan pewarnaan pinnya ikut standar):
urutan pin standar
Dan kalau yang ini tidak standar, coba perhatikan urutan warna pinnya, sangat tidak standar, tapi tetap saja bisa, yang penting korespondensinya satu satu (khusus tipe straight):
urutan pin TIDAK standar
Tipe Cross

Untuk tipe cross itu digunakan untuk menyambungkan langsung antar dua PC, atau yang umumnya digunakan untuk menyambungkan antar hub. (misalnya karena colokan di hubnya kurang). Cara pemasangannya juga sebenarnya mudah, sama seperti tipe straight, pin yang digunakan juga sebenarnya hanya 4 pin saja, yaitu pin 1, 2, 3 dan 6. Yang berbeda adalah cara pasangnya. Kalau pada tipe cross, pin 1 disambungkan ke pin 3 ujung yang lain, pin 2 ke 6, pin 3 ke 1 dan pin 6 ke 2. Praktisnya begini, pada ujung pertama Anda bisa susun pinnya sesuai standar untuk yang tipe “straight”, sementara itu di ujung yang lain Anda susun pinnya sesuai standar buat tipe “cross”.
Masih bingung? Begini cara mudahnya:Ujung pertama:
  1. oranye muda
  2. oranye tua
  3. hijau muda
  4. biru muda
  5. biru tua
  6. hijau tua
  7. coklat muda
  8. coklat tua
Maka di ujung yang lain harus dibuat begini:
  1. hijau muda
  2. hijau tua
  3. orange muda
  4. biru muda
  5. biru tua
  6. orange tua
  7. coklat muda
  8. coklat tua
Sudah agak lebih mengerti? Jadi disini posisi nomor 1, 2, 3 dan 6 yang ditukar. Nanti jika dites menggunakan LAN tester, maka nantinya led 1, 2, 3 dan 6 akan saling bertukar. Kalau tipe straight menyalanya urutan, sedangkan tipe cross ada yang lompat-lompat. Tapi yang pasti harus menyalasemua setiap led dari nomor 1 sampai 8.OK, selamat membangun jaringan komputer. Semoga Anda bisa berhasil sewaktu memasang konektor pada kabelnya. Semoga ilmu ini berguna buat Anda, soalnya waktu dulu penulis pertama kali membuat jaringan hasilnya lucu sekali, untuk mengupas kabelnya penulis masih menggunakan cutter, padahal sudah ada fasilitasnya di crimp toolnya. Tambah lagi ujung-ujungnya tiap kabel penulis kelupas lagi menggunakan cutter, padahal yang betul tidak perlu dikupas satu-satu, biarkan saja rata, karena nantinya apabila di ‘crimp tool’ maka pin tersebut masing-masing akan tembus ke dalam kabelnya. Semoga Anda tidak melakukan hal sama seperti penulis dulu.Demikian tulisan mengenai cara membuat sambungan kabel UTP untuk jaringan komputer. Semoga berguna bagi Anda semua. Terima kasih

Pengertian Dan Jenis RAM

Memory adalah perangkat yang berfungsi mengolah data atau intruksi. Semakin besar memori yang disediakan, semakin banyak data maupun intruksi yang dapat mengolahnya.
RAM adalah sebuah perangkat yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan data.RAM bersifat sementara atau data yang tersimpan dapat dihapus.lain halnya dengan ROM.ROM mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan RAM tetapi ROM bersifat permanent atau data yang tersimpan tidak dapat dihapus.

Jenis-jenis RAM :

* SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)

RAM yang digunakan sebagai memori tambahan yang tersembunyi.

* EDORAM ( Extended Data Out Dynamic Random Accses Memory )

Yaitu, RAM yang kepingannya terdiri dari 72 pin dan umumnya pada PC yang menggunakan prosesor intel Pentium 1 dan AMD ke- 5 dan ke- 6.RAM jenis ini harus dipasang pada socketnya dalam jumlah genap ( minimal terdiri dari 2 keping ).Dan memiliki Bus Speed sebesar 66 Mhz atau PC 66.

* SDRAM ( Synchronous Random Acces Memory )

RAM yang kemampuan kecepatannya lebih cepat daripada EDORAM dan kepingannya terdiri dari 168 pin.PC denganprosesor intel Pentium 1, Pentium II, Pentium III, AMD ke- 5, AMD ke- 6, AMD ke- 7.Dengan memiliki Bus Speed sebesar 66 Mhz ( PC 66 Mhz ) dan PC 100 Mhz.

* DDRAM ( Double Data Rate Random Acces Memory )

RAM yang hampir sama dengan SDRAM, namun memiliki kemampuan kerja yang lebih tinggi.Dengan Bus Speed sebesar 133 Mhz atau PC 133 Mhz.Umumnya digunakan pada PC dengan prosesorintel Pentium III, Pentium IV, AMD Duron, AMD Athlon.

* RDRAM ( Rambus Dynamic Random Acces Memory )

RAM yang menggunakan RIMM ( Rambus In Line Memory Module ) sebagai socketnya dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil dari DIMM ( Socket yang digunakan untuk SDRAM dan DDRAM ).Dengan Bus Speed sebesar 800 Mhz.Umumnya digunakan pada PC dengan prosesor intel Pentium 1.

* VGRAM ( Video Graphic Random Acces Memory )

RAM yang digunakan secara khusus pada video adapter atau video card.Yang berfungsi untuk mendukung video adapter dalam menghasilkan tampilan proses yang sedang atau yang telah berlangsung pada computer.Besarnya kapasitas VGRAM akan menentukan kualitas gambar atau tampilan yang dihasilakan oleh video adapter tersebut.

Beberapa merk memori:


Memori yang umum diperdagangkan:
Memori berkapasitas 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB, 1024MB

How Motherboards Work

by Tracy V. Wilson and Ryan Johnson
Browse the article How Motherboards Work

Introduction to How Motherboards Work
Computer Hardware Image Gallery
Intel motherboardCourtesy Amazon
The Intel Desktop Board D915PGN. See more computer hardware pictures.

If you've ever taken the case off of a computer, you've seen the one piece of equipment that ties everything together -- the motherboard. A motherboard allows all the parts of your computer to receive power and communicate with one another.

­­­Motherboards have come a long way in the­ last twenty years. The first motherboards held very few actual components. The first IBM PC motherboard had only a processor and card slots. Users plugged components like floppy drive controllers and memory into the slots.
More on Computers

* Microprocessors
* ­How RAM Works
* TreeHugger.com: Intel's New Nehalem CPU

Today, motherboards typically boast a wide variety of built-in features, and they directly affect a computer's capabilities and potential for upgrades.

In this article, we'll look at the general components of a motherboard. Then, we'll closely examine five points that dramatically affect what a computer can do.

Form Factor
Photo courtesy Consumer Guide Products
A modern motherboard.

A motherboard by itself is useless, but a computer has to have one to operate. The motherboard's main job is to hold the computer's microprocessor chip and let everything else connect to it. Everything that runs the computer or enhances its performance is either part of the motherboard or plugs into it via a slot or port.

The shape and layout of a motherboard is called the form factor. The form factor affects where individual components go and the shape of the computer's case. There are several specific form factors that most PC motherboards use so that they can all fit in standard cases. For a comparison of form factors, past and present, check out Motherboards.org.

The form factor is just one of the many standards that apply to motherboards. Some of the other standards include:

* The socket for the microprocessor determines what kind of Central Processing Unit (CPU) the motherboard uses.
* The chipset is part of the motherboard's logic system and is usually made of two parts -- the northbridge and the southbridge. These two "bridges" connect the CPU to other parts of the computer.
* The Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) chip controls the most basic functions of the computer and performs a self-test every time you turn it on. Some systems feature dual BIOS, which provides a backup in case one fails or in case of error during updating.
* The real time clock chip is a battery-operated chip that maintains basic settings and the system time.

The slots and ports found on a motherboard include:

* Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)- connections for video, sound and video capture cards, as well as network cards
* Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) - dedicated port for video cards.
* Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) - interfaces for the hard drives
* Universal Serial Bus or FireWire - external peripherals
* Memory slots

motherboard socket
Photo courtesy Consumer Guide Products
A Socket 754 motherboard

Some motherboards also incorporate newer technological advances:

* Redundant Array of Independent Discs (RAID) controllers allow the computer to recognize multiple drives as one drive.
* PCI Express is a newer protocol that acts more like a network than a bus. It can eliminate the need for other ports, including the AGP port.
* Rather than relying on plug-in cards, some motherboards have on-board sound, networking, video or other peripheral support.

Many people think of the CPU as one of the most important parts of a computer. We'll look at how it affects the rest of the computer in the next section.

Sockets and CPUs
motherboard socket
Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper
A Socket 939 motherboard

The CPU is the first thing that comes to mind when many people think about a computer's speed and performance. The faster the processor, the faster the computer can think. In the early days of PC computers, all processors had the same set of pins that would connect the CPU to the motherboard, called the Pin Grid Array (PGA). These pins fit into a socket layout called Socket 7. This meant that any processor would fit into any motherboard.

Today, however, CPU manufacturers Intel and AMD use a variety of PGAs, none of which fit into Socket 7. As microprocessors advance, they need more and more pins, both to handle new features and to provide more and more power to the chip.

Current socket arrangements are often named for the number of pins in the PGA. Commonly used sockets are:

* Socket 478 - for older Pentium and Celeron processors
* Socket 754 - for AMD Sempron and some AMD Athlon processors
* Socket 939 - for newer and faster AMD Athlon processors
* Socket AM2 - for the newest AMD Athlon processors
* Socket A - for older AMD Athlon processors

motherboard lga
Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper
A Socket LGA755 motherboard

The newest Intel CPU does not have a PGA. It has an LGA, also known as Socket T. LGA stands for Land Grid Array. An LGA is different from a PGA in that the pins are actually part of the socket, not the CPU.

Anyone who already has a specific CPU in mind should select a motherboard based on that CPU. For example, if you want to use one of the new multi-core chips made by Intel or AMD, you will need to select a motherboard with the correct socket for those chips. CPUs simply will not fit into sockets that don't match their PGA.

The CPU communicates with other elements of the motherboard through a chipset. We'll look at the chipset in more detail next.

motherboard bridges
Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper
The northbridge and southbridge

The chipset is the "glue" that connects the microprocessor to the rest of the motherboard and therefore to the rest of the computer. On a PC, it consists of two basic parts -- the northbridge and the southbridge. All of the various components of the computer communicate with the CPU through the chipset.

The northbridge connects directly to the processor via the front side bus (FSB). A memory controller is located on the northbridge, which gives the CPU fast access to the memory. The northbridge also connects to the AGP or PCI Express bus and to the memory itself.

The southbridge is slower than the northbridge, and information from the CPU has to go through the northbridge before reaching the southbridge. Other busses connect the southbridge to the PCI bus, the USB ports and the IDE or SATA hard disk connections.

Chipset selection and CPU selection go hand in hand, because manufacturers optimize chipsets to work with specific CPUs. The chipset is an integrated part of the motherboard, so it cannot be removed or upgraded. This means that not only must the motherboard's socket fit the CPU, the motherboard's chipset must work optimally with the CPU.

Next, we'll look at busses, which, like the chipset, carry information from place to place.

Bus Speed
bus speed
Busses connect different parts of the motherboard to one another

A bus is simply a circuit that connects one part of the motherboard to another. The more data a bus can handle at one time, the faster it allows information to travel. The speed of the bus, measured in megahertz (MHz), refers to how much data can move across the bus simultaneously.

Bus speed usually refers to the speed of the front side bus (FSB), which connects the CPU to the northbridge. FSB speeds can range from 66 MHz to over 800 MHz. Since the CPU reaches the memory controller though the northbridge, FSB speed can dramatically affect a computer's performance.

Here are some of the other busses found on a motherboard:

* The back side bus connects the CPU with the level 2 (L2) cache, also known as secondary or external cache. The processor determines the speed of the back side bus.
* The memory bus connects the northbridge to the memory.
* The IDE or ATA bus connects the southbridge to the disk drives.
* The AGP bus connects the video card to the memory and the CPU. The speed of the AGP bus is usually 66 MHz.
* The PCI bus connects PCI slots to the southbridge. On most systems, the speed of the PCI bus is 33 MHz. Also compatible with PCI is PCI Express, which is much faster than PCI but is still compatible with current software and operating systems. PCI Express is likely to replace both PCI and AGP busses.

The faster a computer's bus speed, the faster it will operate -- to a point. A fast bus speed cannot make up for a slow processor or chipset.

Now let's look at memory and how it affects the motherboard's speed.

Memory and Other Features

RAM Memory
For information about different types of RAM, check out How RAM Works.

We've established that the speed of the processor itself controls how quickly a computer thinks. The speed of the chipset and busses controls how quickly it can communicate with other parts of the computer. The speed of the RAM connection directly controls how fast the computer can access instructions and data, and therefore has a big effect on system performance. A fast processor with slow RAM is going nowhere.

The amount of memory available also controls how much data the computer can have readily available. RAM makes up the bulk of a computer's memory. The general rule of thumb is the more RAM the computer has, the better.
motherboard dimm
Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper
184-pin DDR DIMM RAM

Much of the memory available today is dual data rate (DDR) memory. This means that the memory can transmit data twice per cycle instead of once, which makes the memory faster. Also, most motherboards have space for multiple memory chips, and on newer motherboards, they often connect to the northbridge via a dual bus instead of a single bus. This further reduces the amount of time it takes for the processor to get information from the memory.
Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper

A motherboard's memory slots directly affect what kind and how much memory is supported. Just like other components, the memory plugs into the slot via a series of pins. The memory module must have the right number of pins to fit into the slot on the motherboard.

Photo courtesy HowStuffWorks Shopper

In the earliest days of motherboards, virtually everything other than the processor came on a card that plugged into the board. Now, motherboards feature a variety of onboard accessories such as LAN support, video, sound support and RAID controllers.

Motherboards with all the bells and whistles are convenient and simple to install. There are motherboards that have everything you need to create a complete computer -- all you do is stick the motherboard in a case and add a hard disk, a CD drive and a power supply. You have a completely operational computer on a single board.

For many average users, these built-in features provide ample support for video and sound. For avid gamers and people who do high-intensity graphic or computer-aided design (CAD) work, however, separate video cards provide much better performance.

For more information on motherboards and related topics, check out the links on the following page.

. Motherboard

This motherboard parts introduction explains the main goal of your motherboard in your computer. The most important parts are explained with only a brief introduction to the technologies behind them not to bore the newcomer who may be confused.

For those who are seeking more advanced information you will find links throughout the content and at the bottom as how to install a motherboard.

What Is The Motherboard Main Goal?
Motherboard parts from a Gigabyte motherboard
Click to enlarge

The main goal is to connect all the hardware together like hard drives, memory modules, CPU, etc...

A computer mother board is made of several parts, and each one has a hardware that can be connected to it. On the right, the image is showing a modern motherboard with all its parts.

If you click on the link under the image, you will find a larger image with the motherboard parts name.

Learning about your motherboard parts help to understand how upgrade able it is.

The Processor Socket

Sockets are the home for your Central Processor Unit (CPU). Several types of socket exist, but only 2 of them are really used, and both of them are used by Intel and AMD. The Pin Grid Array (PGA) and the Land Grid Array (LGA).
Motherboard socket
CPU Socket

With the type PGA, the CPU will have pins to fit in the socket holes, but with the type LGA, the CPU will not have such pins and will just sit on the socket.

I am discussing this subject in more details in the CPU socket type guide.

To know the form of CPU your motherboard can use and the range of powers and FSBs, look in your motherboard's book. The book that comes with your motherboard has a chart about it in the socket or CPU chapter. That information will give you an idea to how far you can upgrade your CPU.

* CPU Socket Specifications
* How to install cpu step by step

Memory Slots

Memory slots also call memory banks are for Random Access Memory modules (RAM). Each memory bank can receives a RAM module designed for a specific pc mother board. Ranging from 2 to 4 banks, you will encounter single and dual-channel technologies.
Memory RAM slots in pair
Memory Banks

With single-channel, you can use 1, 2 or 3 Ram modules, and it should work perfectly. On the other hand, with dual-channel technology, if you fill only 1 bank, you will lose some strength from your module.

To get the most of it, you need to fill 2 banks with the same module types, from the same manufacturer with exactly the same memory amounts.

If you want 1GB of memory, you need to use 2 512MB modules from the same manufacturer with the same technology type. This way, motherboards use the modules strength to its full capacity. Otherwise it may not work at all.

Like the socket, to find out the type, the manufacturer and the total MB or GB quantity you can use, take a look in your motherboard's book. You should be able to find everything you need.

* Introduction to Desktop Computer Memory
* How to Install Computer Memory step by step

Main Power Connector And The 4 Pins Connector

The main power connector is uses to get the electric energy from the power supply which the motherboard require to function properly.
24 pins main power connector
24 Pins Main Power Connector

There are 2 main power connector types for those motherboard parts. The 20 pins + 4 pins (2 separate connectors on the same motherboard), and the 24 pins.

Not all power supplies have the 2 types, but it is possible to work around the problem if you run into an incompatibility situation. Which will be discussed in a future power supply guide about how to install it and where to plug the connectors.

* Introduction to Computer Power Supplies

IDE, ATA And S-ATA Interface Connectors

Many interface standards have been created throughout the years, maybe too many for discussing about all of them. I will then talk about the ATA and the S-ATA only as the IDE is the same thing as the ATA, only the name has changed. Also I will be brief because it is more a hard drive topic than anything else.
IDE/ATA and S-ATA connectors
IDE/ATA And SATA Interface

The Advance Technology Attachment (ATA) interface is used to connect hard drives and optic drives. You can attach 2 drives on the same ribbon, 1 master and the other slave, and it supports almost all modern hard drives storage capacities.

Modern computer mother boards have the new interface called Serial Advance Technology Attachment (S-ATA). It is faster than the ATA and only 1 device can be attached to it. The wire is thinner than his predecessor and surely help at the cooling process inside the computer case.

I cover the topic in more details in the What Is SATA Interface guide.

Floppy Drive Connector
3.5' floppy drive connector (FDD)
Floppy Drive Connector

Plug your "3.5" floppy drive there. Not really used now, they are going to disappear completely very soon.

32 bit PCI Slots, AGP And PCIe

32 bit slots Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) are used to install sound cards, graphic cards, Ethernet cards and modems.
PCI and PCI-Epress slots
PCI, AGP or PCIe Ports

The motherboard parts Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) and PCI Epress (PCIe) focus on graphic cards only. AGP standards use x2, x4 or x8 technologies. AGP 8 being the best, it is highly boosting your graphics and video performances. In Comparison with his old brother PCI, it is day and night.

PCIe standard is even better than AGP standard, and mostly the only one used right now. Some like to say, PCIe is a AGP standard at x16 and it is the #1 choice for gaming machines right now.

More motherboard content will be written on it, especially for graphic cards.

Back Panel Connectors
Back panel connectors
Back Panel Connectors

When the computer is mounted, those motherboard parts show up at the computer case back panel. They are used to plug the mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer, sound system and any other peripherals you may have.

[I hope you appreciated the motherboard parts guide
and I invite you to take a look at the other guides.]

. Motherboard - main circuit board

Picture taken from Smart Computing January 1999 Vol. 10 Iss.1 pg 98

2. holds chips
* members.aol.com/wbox/power2.htm
o timing crystal which keep its thinking organized.
o Another timing crystal keeps track of the time and date.
+ Most computers also have a small rechargeable battery and an IC chip that keeps track of the time even when the main power switch is turned off.
+ timing crystal emits an electronic tick, tick, tick at a high rate of speed. The timing chip adds these ticks to the time and date. The battery keeps this going. Whenever the computer is turned on, the battery is recharged
3. most important chip = CPU
4. transistors
* basic building block of microprocessor
* electronic switches
o on - 1 - allows current to pass through
o off - 0 - does not allow current to pass through
5. connects expansion slots
* allow linking of peripheral devices to processor
* ISA slots - Industry Standard Architecture slots
* PCI slots - Peripheral Component Interconnect slots
6. connects ports
* method of attaching objects to peripheral card
o graphics card attaches to monitor
o printer plugs into a port
* AGP port - Accelerated Graphics Port
o transfer between processor and port at a rate of 500MBps
7. holds memory
* RAM - random access memory
* ROM - read only memory
8. Bus lines
* parallel electrical paths
o usually copper tracing motherboard
* transports data - electrical signals
* bus width
o amount of data able to be carried at one time
o number of electrical paths
o typically 8, 16, or 32 wires
o 16-bit bus has 16 wires.
o reference larger memory addresses
+ access more memory

9. Expansion slots and ports Smart Computing May 1998 vol9. iss 5

10. You can hook up lots of things to your PC
* hard drives
* tape backup machines
* scanners
* printers
* etc
11. Where to plug everything in?
12. Port
* allows access out of the computer for cables
* only a few normally available on computers
13. Solutions
* SCSI - Small Computer System Interface
o Devices are faster than EIDE (Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics)
+ SCSI-2
# Standard for scanners, printers, hard drives, etc
+ SCSI-3
# faster and more expensive than SCSI-2
+ Fast SCSI
# transfer data 10Mbps
+ Ultra SCSI
# transfer data 20Mbps
o more expensive
o little more difficult to set up?
o adapter card allows addition of 7-15 devices (depending on card)
+ internal or external
o daisy chain
+ SCSI bus
# data travels through path to adapter card.
# external hardware connected in series
# internal hardware connected to ribbon cable attached to adapter card
+ SCSI - under 20 feet
+ Fast SCSI - under 10 feet
o termination
+ Last device in chain must have terminator
# electrical resistor
# usually comes with devices
o to install a SCSI adapter card
+ remove cover of computer
+ locate a PCI slot
# Peripheral Component Interconnect
# Shorter slots usually white
+ remove cover strip on back that lines up with the slot
+ touch metal of computer to ground yourself
+ pick up host adapter
+ insert in PCI slot by gently rocking it back and forth until it clicks in place
o assign ID numbers to devices
+ used to be a dial on hardware
+ now may have software configuration
* Serial Solutions
o add Input/Output Expansion card
+ serial ports
# transfers data 1 bit at a time
# used primarily for mouse and modem
# sometimes called COM (communications) ports
+ parallel ports
# transfer data 8 bits at a time
# primarily printers and scanners
# sometimes called LPT (line printer terminal) ports
+ most computers have two COM and one LPT ports open
+ installing
# locate long black ISA slots (Industry Standard Architecture)
# unscrew metal plate in front of slot
# ground yourself
# pick up the card
# rock it in until it clicks
# restart computer and install device drivers or software that came with the card
o USB - Universal Serial Bus
+ USB automatically configures peripherals
+ Hot-swapping
# don't have to restart computer when change peripheral
+ attach 63 peripherals to single USB port
# daisy chain
+ installed in PCI slots
+ not compatible with Windows 3.1, or Windows 95 version A

14. Speed and Power
* most execute instruction in microsecond
o one-millionth of a second
* terminology
o millisecond - one-thousandth
o microsecond - one-millionth
o nanosecond - one-billionth
o picosecond - one-trillionth
* Speed usually expressed in megahertz (MHz)
o analagous to clock ticks
o millions of machine cycles per seconds
o 100MHz - capable of handling 100 million machine cycles per second
* Speed sometimes expressed in MIPS
o million of instructions per seconds
o .5 MIPS = 500,000 instructions per second
o more accurate than clock speed
+ some computers better at using each clock tick than others
* Speed sometimes expressed in megaflops
o million floating-point operations per second
o measures mathematical ability of computer
* Cache
o small block of very fast memory
o holds most frequently used data and instructions
+ designed for speeding up transfer of data or instructions
o internal cache - built right into processor
+ level 1 cache Smart Computing March 1998 vol 9 iss 3
o external cache - on seperate chips
+ level 2 cache Smart Computing March 1998 vol 9 iss 3
* Processor requests data or instructions

* first time retrieve from main memory - RAM
* next time - look first in cache
o transfer speed from cache much higher

* RAM - random access memory

* EDO RAM - extended data out RAM
o speeds measured in nanoseconds
* SIMM - single inline memory module
o plugs into motherboard
o contains memory chips
* SDRAM - static or dynamic ram
o works in synch with system clock
o faster than EDO RAM
* DIMM - dual inline memory module
o both sides of the card used for memory connections

* Coding Schemes

o 7 bits for a character
+ 2^7 = 128 unique combinations
+ always 0 bit in first spot of byte
+ 8 bits for a character
+ 2^8 or 256 unique combinations

* Architectures

* RISC - reduced instruction set computers
o small subset of instructions
+ MIPS vs MHz
* CISC - complex instruction set computers
o many are unused
+ unused instructions impediment to speed
+ more time to decode
* serial processing
o one instruction at a time
o pipe-lining instructions and data
+ previous action (fetch, decode, execute, store) doesn't have to finish before the next begins
* parallel processing
o use several processors at once

Diagnosa kerusakan pada komputer

Beep : bunyi speaker yang dikeluarkan komputer pada proses post
atau pada saat ada kesalahan/gangguang tertentu. Suara
yang muncul melalui speaker komputer, umunya
menunjukkan adanya kesalahan dalam program yang
sedang berjalan. Beep dapat ditambahkan dalam program
yang dibuat dengan menyisipkan kode ASCII 7.
BIOS : Basic input output system. Software yang dipasang pada
chip komputer:untuk mengatur operasi dasar seperti setting
layar, harddisk, dan booting. Bagian dari sistem operasi
yang bisa mengidentifikasi set program yang digunakan
untuk mem-boot komputer, sebelum menempatkan disket
sistem. BIOS terdapat di ROM (Read Only Memory) dari
sistem dan umumnya tersimpan secara permanen. Program
yang digunakan mikroprosesor untuk menyalakan komputer.
BIOS juga mengatur aliran data antara sistem operasi
komputer dan perangkat tambahan yang terhubung pada
Booting : Proses menghidupkan komputer.
Bus : Saluran yang terdiri dari sekumpulan jalur yang sejenis.
Sekumpulan kabel yang merupakan alat transportasi
informasi ke semua peralatan dalam sistem. Informasi
tersebut dapat berupa data, perintah atau alamat.
CMOS : Compelementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. RAM
kecil berukuran 64 byte yang menyimpan setting BIOS saat
komputer sedang dimatikan. CMOS merupakan perluasan
dari teknologi MOS yang menghasilkan IC dengan
kebutuhan tenaga baterai rendah. CMOS digunakan untuk
menyimpan program konfigurasi, program diagnostik dan
informasi tanggal dan waktu pembuatan file yang tidak akan
hilang meskipun komputer dimatikan.
CD ROM Drive:Alat pemutar CD ROM. Suatu drive untuk merekam atau
memainkan Compact Disk, yang sering dijumpai adalah CDROM
(CD Read Only Memory) MO (Magneto-Optical) dan
WORM (Write Once Read Many).
Com : Singkatan dari Communications atau sering disebut serial
port, yaitu komponen yang menghubungkan CPU dengan
printer, modem dan alat lainnya.
CPU : Central Processing Unit. Unit pemroses utama dalam istilah
teknik disebut mikroprosesor, sedang dalam pengertian
umum adalah mesin komputer yaitu casing beserta semua
isi didalamnya. Pusat pengolahan masukan sehingga
menghasilkan keluaran. Termasuk di sini adalah semua
register, sirkuit aritmatik, unit pembanding, dsb.
Disk : Suatu media penyimpanan data. Yang dimaksud dengan
disk adalah floppy disk atau hard disk. Sedangkan floppy
disk adalah disket. Piringan tipis yang dilapisi bahan
magnetik (oksida besi) yang mampu menyimpan sejumlah
data atau informasi. Pembacaan dan penulisan informasi
dipusatkan pada track.
Drive : Pi ntu, penggerak disk.
Driver : S of tware yang menjadikan sistem operasi bisa
berkomunikasi dengan peripheral atau alat lain, misalnya
mouse driver untuk mengendalikan mouse.
Hard disk : Media penyimpan data berkapasitas besar.
LPT : Line Printing Terminal atau paralel port. Port untuk
menghubungkan PC dengan printer.
Motherboard: Papan rangkaian komputer tempat semua komponen
elektronik komputer terangkai.
Peripheral : Peralatan. Spesifikasi peralatan pendukung yang dibutuhkan
oleh sebuah PC agar dapat bekerja secara optimal.
PCI : Peripheral Component Interconnect. Peripheral bus yang
umum digunakan pada PC, Macintosh dan workstation.
Pertama kali didesain oleh Intel dan muncul di pasaran pada
akhir 1993. PCI menyediakan jalur transfer data cepat
antara CPU dengan komponen-komponen peripheral lain di
PC seperti video, disket, jaringan dan lain-lain.
POST : Power on Self-Test yaitu test yang dilakukan oleh PC untuk
mengecek fungsi-fungsi komponen pendukung PC untuk
bekerja dengan baik.
Power Supply: Suatu rangkaian elektronik yang berfungsi sebagai pencatu
daya/pemberi sumber tegangan/arus pada peralatan.
VRAM : Video Random Access Memory (Video RAM) tipe spesial dari
DRAM yang memungkinkan akses direct high speed memory
melalui sirkuit video. Jenis memori ini lebih mahal bila
dibandingkan chips DRAM yang konvensional.
RAM : Random Access Memory, memori yang dapat dibaca dan
ditulis. Informasi akan hilang jika komputer mati.
Reset : Mengosongkan memori atau mengenolkan logika keluaran.
Memulai dari awal.
USB : Universal Serial Bus. Socket yang terdapat di semua PC
model baru untuk koneksi perangkat-perangkat USB. USB
mendukung instalasi yang mudah dengan system Plug and
Play, dan secara bertahap menggantikan port serial dan
pararel yang lama. Perangkat USB meliputi scanner, modem
dan printer..
Tata letak : yaitu gambar susunan komponen-komponen elektonika
dalam bentuk gambar wajah dengan ukuran yang tepat

buku membangun server dg free bsd Faktor Pengulang
Beberapa perintah dapat diulang beberapa kali dengan menambahkan jumlah pengulangan di depan perintah. Sebagai contoh, dd adalah perintah untuk menghapus satu baris. Untuk menghapus 3 buah baris tanpa harus memasukkan perintah dd sebanyak 3 kali dapat digunakan : 3dd. Membatalkan Perubahan atau Penghapusan
Jika kita melakukan kesalahan menghapus tanpa sengaja, kita dapat memperbaikinya dengan menggunakan perintah u atau U. Perintah u digunakan untuk membatalkan perubahan terakhir yang dilakukan oleh pemakai, sedangkan perintah U digunakan untuk membatalkan seluruh perubahan pada satu baris. Mencari String
Editorvi memiliki dua jenis pencarian, yaitu : string dan karakter. Untuk pencarian string, perintah yang digunakan adalah perintah / dan ?. Pada saat kedua perintah ini digunakan, perintah yang diketikkan akan muncul dibagian bawah layar, tempat kita mengetikkan string yang ingin dicari. Kedua perintah ini berbeda hanya pada arah pencarian yang akan dilakukan. Perintah / mencari ke arah bawah, sedangkan perintah ? mencari ke arah atas dari file. Perintah n dan N digunakan untuk melanjutkan proses pencarian yang sebelumnya. Perintah n akan mencari dalam arah yang sama, sedangkan perintah N akan mencari dalam arah yang berlawanan. Berpindah Layar
Editorvi juga menyediakan perintah-perintah untuk berpindah layar dengan cepat tanpa
harus menggerakkan kursor perbaris. Perintah-perintah tersebut adalah :
Tabel 4. Perintah-perintah untuk berpindah perlayar.
berpindah satu layar sebelumnya
turun setengah bagian layar
turun satu bagian layar
turun ke bagian akhir dari file
line no. G
memindahkan kursor ke line tertentu
naik setengah bagian layar
5.6.6. Penutup
Perintah-perintah yang telah dijelaskan merupakan perintah-perintah dasar pada editorvi. Dengan mengetahui perintah-perintah tersebut, kita sudah dapat melakukan manipulasi pada suatu file teks dan menyimpannya kembali.
Sebenarnya masih banyak perintah-perintah pada editorvi yang memiliki banyak kegunaan antara lain : perintah untuk mengkonversi huruf besar kecil dan huruf kapital, menyisipkan isi dari suatu file, menyimpan sebagian teks ke suatu file, dan perintah- perintah map. Untuk mengetahui perintah-perintah tersebut, pembaca dapat melihatnya pada manual editorvi pada sistem operasi UNIX dengan mengetikkan manvi pada
prompt, dari sumber-sumber bacaan dari Internet, maupun dari buku-buku UNIX yang
FreeBSD Handbook, The FreeBSD Documentation Project,
Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 by The FreeBSD Documentation Project,
FreeBSD Inc.
Frank G. Fiamingo, Linda DeBula, L. Condron,
Introduction to UNIX “, University Technology Service, The Ohio State University,
Salim Douba, “Networking UNIX “, Sams Publishing, 1995